Web Link Kees
Kees sells full kits for the Encoder and RF deck! This is one of the best ways to get started, checkout his site! |
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Web Link Micropro and MicroStar users group
The MK8K users group has several hundred members with a great deal of experience in building custom systems. Please join and find all the help and advice you will need. |
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Web Link XPS 2.4GHz RF decks
XPS has a full line of 2.4GHz RF decks and receivers. These have been used with both MicroStars and Micropros |
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Web Link Chidgey Stick Drawings
This link will take you to a beautiful set of engineering drawings developed by Tom Pomeroy for the Chidgey three axis joystick. |
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Web Link Custom Coatings
This site contains wrinkle finish paint that you may find useful for your transmitter projects. |
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Web Link Custom Boxes
This site make custom boxes to your specification at very good prices. Check them out! |
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Web Link Andy\'s Rec Room R/C'
Andy Horka has designed and built 3 axis joysticks and several beautiful MicroStar 2000 systems. Checkout his web site! |
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